A very big
to everyone who came along to our
Planting Day
The morning began
with blue and yellow plastic bags
filled with bulbs
dotted about the place...
Then the volunteers set about digging holes
and planting crocuses, snowdrops and daffodils.
Volunteers worked hard with the planting
before having a well-earned
tea break (with biscuits!)
Local Counsellors Tim Young & Dave Harris
came fully prepared with strimmers and spades.
Bulbs and wild flowers were planted
around trees and along the edge of the slopes.
It was lovely to see local families
getting involved, helping out.
What did we plant?
1000 Crocuses
1060 Daffodils
200 Snowdrops
300 Wild-flower plugs
This Planting Day has been a huge success
due to the hard work of a small but dedicated
team of volunteers.
We could not have done this without you!
Special thanks go to:
Colchester Borough Council
Colchester in Bloom
Cllrs Dave Harris & Tim Young
Emma, and The Community Payback Team
The KTGC Team!!!
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