Keep the Green Clean

Keep the Green Clean
Keep the Green Clean

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Hello Autumn...

Autumn has well and truly
arrived on Greenstead Slopes.

While the trees display oranges and reds
there are many other colours
to be found if you look down.

There's still plenty of wildlife around
including a few butterflies, ladybirds 
and shield bugs.

Sunday, 11 October 2015

We're In The Press...!!

Article in the Colchester Gazette:

"GREEN-FINGERED volunteers turned out in force to chip in with a planting project to spruce up a community space.

More than 35 people got their hands dirty to help with the Keep the Green Clean scheme, set up to keep the Greenstead green area in good shape.

On Saturday morning they planted 2,000 daffodils, as well as hundreds of bulbs and flower seeds.

One of the organisers Allan Walker said: “The Keep the Green Clean project was set up five years ago to clean up the dog mess and fly tipping which was ruining the green.

“Since then it has really developed and now we are able to do other things and go over and beyond to make sure it looks good for the community.

“We had an excellent turnout, and a real mixture of locals and people from further afield.

“There were people from the community, councillors and members from the church, including two people from Canada.

“Hopefully it will look really good. We’ll know in a few months time when the flowers start to come through, and we want to get all the volunteers back to see the fruits of their labours then.”
Last month the Keep the Green Clean scheme won an award for best community project 2015, handed out by Colchester in Bloom.

Organisers want to make the planting session an annual event".

Saturday, 10 October 2015

Turning a Space into a Place...

A very big
to everyone who came along to our
Planting Day

The morning began
with blue and yellow plastic bags
filled with bulbs
dotted about the place...

Then the volunteers set about digging holes
and planting crocuses, snowdrops and daffodils.

Volunteers worked hard with the planting
before having a well-earned
tea break (with biscuits!)

Local Counsellors Tim Young & Dave Harris
came fully prepared with strimmers and spades.

Bulbs and wild flowers were planted
around trees and along the edge of the slopes.

It was lovely to see local families
getting involved, helping out.

What did we plant?
 1000 Crocuses 
1060 Daffodils
    200  Snowdrops
            300  Wild-flower plugs

This Planting Day has been a huge success
due to the hard work of a small but dedicated
team of volunteers.

We could not have done this without you!

Special thanks go to:
Colchester Borough Council
Colchester in Bloom
Cllrs Dave Harris & Tim Young
Emma, and The Community Payback Team
The KTGC Team!!!

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Help Us To Keep The Green Clean...

We Won A Trophy!

The Keep The Green Clean team is proud to announce 
that during a ceremony at The Colchester Town Hall 
on Wednesday 23rd September 2015 
during the Colchester in Bloom AGM, 
we were awarded the Trinity House Trophy 
in the Best Community Project 2015 category 
by Colchester in Bloom.

We would like to thank the Colchester in Bloom judges 
for acknowledging all of the hard work carried out 
by our small team of local volunteers.