Keep the Green Clean

Keep the Green Clean
Keep the Green Clean

Thursday, 28 January 2016


We appear to have
a few pretty little snowdrops
dotted around the slopes.

In Ghost Woods
the fabulous silver birches
look rather splendid
against the blue sky.

The trees are full
of chirping birds.

Here's a short video clip.
(Turn your speakers on!)

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Exciting News!

In keeping with the KTGC theme
of providing a legacy for
future generations,
we recently applied to
The Woodland Trust
for some free trees.

We are pleased to announce
we have been granted
a copse pack!

We will soon receive
the following saplings:
10 Silver Birch
10 Wild Cherry
10 Rowan

These new trees
will fit in well
with our current species
and will encourage
birds and other wildlife.

We are due to meet
with Colchester Borough Council
to discuss the exact positioning
which will probably be 
adjacent to ghost wood.

As soon as we have
further information
we will let you know...